
We believe in the importance of evolving in a safe sporting environment that allows all members and participants, whatever their level, to have access to resources that create a pleasant, healthy, inclusive and safe environment, and to preserve the integrity of participants.

The Borealis Sailing Centre has adopted the " Politique, les règles et procédures en matière de protection de l’intégrité " as well as the "Code de conduite pour un milieu sportif sécuritaire " as set out by the Fédération de voile du Québec (FVQ ). The Centre is committed to complying with this policy, applying its rules and following its procedures, and ensuring that its leaders, instructors and members agree to adhere to it.

Click on this link to go to the « Sport sécuritaire » page of the Fédération de voile du Québec website. From there, click on the link  " Politique d'intégrité " and then, once you are on that page, click on " Politique, règles et procédures en matière de protection de l’intégrité " to access all the information (available in French only).