Our activities throughout the year
This is the planning period for the Centre’s activities. Namely, we review our sailing and training programs, we determine our budget for the upcoming season, and focus on marketing and recruitment of new members. All our committees are made up of volunteer members who meet on a regular basis to organize the next season.
In addition, our Social Committee offers activities such as cross-country skiing, sugar shack visits, potlucks, meal outings, and other events, so that our members have the opportunity to meet up and socialize during the off-season.
Occasionally, members might get together to organize international cruises in the Caribbean, for instance. There’s nothing better than swapping a snowsuit for a swimsuit on a sailboat for a week in the sun!
Spring is our recruiting period. Our volunteer committees and members prepare and host our Sailing Info Night and Open House events. At the same time, our Maintenance Team and its dedicated volunteers see to the maintenance and launching of the boats. This is an opportunity to learn all that is required to maintain a sailboat. All members are encouraged to help out and to learn more by doing. After the boats are launched, final preparations such as re-masting and rigging adjustments are handled with care.
Members learn by doing and increase their knowledge by putting their skills to the test. A typical daytime outing includes a morning sail, mooring the boat for lunch and a swim, and then more sailing until late afternoon.
The Centre participates in weekly regattas. Fridays are often reserved for "Thank God Its Friday" outings, where members get together after the sail for socializing over snacks and drinks at the Marina. It’s a great time to get to know your fellow sailors and even form lasting friendships through a shared passion.
Short sailing cruises on the Ottawa River are organized periodically to introduce members to life on board. In addition, week-long sailing cruises can be booked on larger bodies of water such as Georgian Bay. During these cruises, members will learn the techniques of sailing as well as the logistics necessary for the organization of such cruises.
And in the background, the Maintenance Team never rests so that any necessary maintenance or repairs are handled quickly to ensure uninterrupted sailing and the safety of all members. Maintenance is important throughout the year to secure a long life for our boats.
This is actually the best time for sailing, because this is the time of year when the winds are at their best and the weather is cool. It’s an ideal opportunity to observe and interpret the winds and to adjust the sails with performance and security in mind. The Ottawa River landscape always provides us with a kaleidoscope of colours to admire.
At Thanksgiving, the boats are hauled out of the water, and are prepared inside and out for winter storage. Those interested can help out with maintenance and learn how to prepare a boat for storage.
The season ends with the Annual General Assembly, where all the committees report on their accomplishments and a new Board of Directors is selected to ensure the management of the next season to come.